Massage for Her & Him

You can choose a masseuse and masseur for your massage. We provide sensual sacred massage, body to body massage, Nuru massage, soapy massage by one, two or even three therapists for him and her.

Sacred Massage

Our Sacred sensual and erotic massage is designed for those who love to get a higher level of massage. Our masseuse will begin by massaging your feet, arms, back and shoulders, giving more focus to your shoulders, as many people feel tension in this area. Once you are completely relaxed our masseuse will continue by massaging you with essential oil starting from your feet, gently or strongly according to your request, massaging all of your sensitive parts with our special technique from behind while lying face down on your stomach. Then you will turn over on your back so the front of your body can be massaged, finishing with an erotic massage of your vital parts till you reach absolute pure bliss.

Four Hands Massage

Using the same sensual and erotic massage techniques, four hands massage has the added enjoyment of being pampered by two therapists (who you can choose in advance, possibly by two females, two males, or male and female). Based on male clients’ desire, most requested for this treatment is to be pampered by two female therapists. Imagine two beautiful skilled therapists working on your body in harmony, seductively, uniting to pamper your whole body with sensual touch at the same time. Double the pleasure! What a relief!

Body to Body Massage

Body to body is a higher level of sensual massage, for some of you who are new to this experience, sensual or erotic massage is enough. But we are keen for you to try body to body as well. This treatment is much sexier and more fascinating After your body is relaxed by giving deep tissue or tension massage, the therapist will pour essential oil on your body then pour it also on their body themselves, then passionately slide down your body. This is a whole body massage, from your back then turning over to your front body until you are pure bliss.

Nuru Massage

Nuru massage originated in Japan, using special nuru gel on a water bed or bed covered with latex. In Nuru treatment, therapists will do a lot of body sliding to on your body. The visualization of the therapist’s body while moving on yours will give the greatest sensation. The skin to skin contact will bring great joy. One level beyond from body to body, Nuru will be in the 69 position. Our therapist will awaken every part of your body (head to toe-toe to head, whole body relief!)

Soapy Massage

Treatment in a cozy room with bathtub or jacuzzi! Therapists will bring aroma therapy or diffusion and those essences will create a good smell and help your mind relax. The bathtub will be filled with water and perfumed bubbles. Therapists will invite you to soak your body in it.After your body is cleaned and revitalized, they will dry you with a towel then bring you to the bed to start the body-to-body massage.